Special/Featured Exhibitions

Autumn Special Exhibition moji-e-moji — Words as Pictures / Pictures as Words

In Japan, word and image are intimately intertwined and at times are so closely tied as to become inseparable. Moji-e, or “word pictures,” include styles such as ashide-moji or so-called “reed script,” which has strong pictorial elements, or Buddhist paintings and caricatures in which images are rendered with written characters. Conversely, e-moji are comprised of works in which pictures become words, as, for example, in hanji-e picture puzzles, where images serve as phonetic representations of words to form a kind of riddle. It is possible to find a variety of different happy unions of picture and text in Japanese calligraphy, paintings, and decorative art objects.
The world that is brought forth by word and image has not only a formalistic beauty; it has an element of intellectual stimulation as well. Here we present a world-class Japanese aesthetic world that is at once clever and entertaining.

Overview of the Exhibition

Hours 10:00am to 5:00pm (Admittance until 4:30pm)
Closed Days Every Monday (or the following day if a national holiday or substitute holiday falls on a Monday)
Admission Tickets

Adults: 1.400yen
Students (high school and university): 700yen
Students (elementary and junior high school): 500yen

Exhibition Catalogue 1,900yen (tax included)
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