Special/Featured Exhibitions

Autumn Special Exhibition Owari Hantei Monogatari: Tales of the Residential Mansions of the Lords of Owari

In the Edo period, daimyō families frequently maintained multiple residences in Edo and in their home provinces. As the foremost of the three Tokugawa branch families, the Owari Tokugawa family had a main Edo residence in Ichigaya, a secondary residence in Kōjimachi, and a third residence in Toyama. With three primary mansions, the Owari Tokugawa boasted the largest-scale residential holdings in terms of both number and size of all the various daimyō and in its home province of Nagoya it also had not only the Ninomaru and Shin-goten palace at Nagoya Castle, but also had the Oshitayashiki villa, Ōzoneyashiki villa and numerous other residences. The numerous items transmitted through the Owari Tokugawa family that are currently in the collection of the Tokugawa Art Museum are items that were used and stored at those various residences. The current exhibition introduces the paintings depicting the residences and the numerous tea utensils and interior furnishings that were used in them from the Tokugawa Art Museum collection. Through these, we hope to delve more deeply into the nature of the Owari daimyō residences and daily life within them.

Overview of the Exhibition

Hours 10:00am to 5:00pm (Admittance until 4:30pm)
Closed Days Every Monday (or the following day if a national holiday or substitute holiday falls on a Monday)
Admission Tickets

Adults: 1.400yen
Students (high school and university): 700yen
Students (elementary and junior high school): 500yen

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