

なお、同じく6月6日から予定しておりました特別展「刻を描く 田渕俊夫」展は、すでに告知しております通り、今年度中の開催はありません。また、講座等の開催に関しましては、決まり次第ホームページ等でお知らせいたします。なお、今後更に予定の変更がある場合には、ホームページ等でお知らせいたします。よろしくお願い申し上げます。

[Advance Notice]
The Tokugawa Art Museum will open from Tuesday, June 2.

As the Aichi prefecture has been released from the state of emergency over coronavirus and relieved of business suspension request, we will reopen the masterpieces collection rooms of the Tokugawa Art Museum from June 2 (Tue.). The thematic exhibition “The Heart of Prayer: Buddhist Art in The Owari Tokugawa Family Collection” will start from June 6 (Sat.).
We are now preparing to take the prophylaxis and countermeasures against virus infection. Visitors’ cooperation, such as taking hand disinfection at the entrance, wearing mask, taking a social distance and so on, will also be requested, and in this regard we appreciate your understanding.
As we announced before, the thematic exhibition “Toshio Tabuchi: Depicting Time Eternal” is cancelled for this year. The schedule of lectures is not fixed yet, but we will announce it on our web page as soon as we can. Many thanks for your understanding and cooperation.